04 November 2012

When our Faith is Tested

Faith, Hope, and Love - and the greatest of these is ...

On impulse, I thought of titling the post with "Make me a Blessing" and then I changed my mind.

Just what do we do when each day we experience a loved one being eaten up by illness that we have to drop our own personal goals and dreams, for people we love? Do we decide by refusing to decide?

Because we are too rapt with providing support - time, love, and care  ...  the tendency is to neglect or our own fears, our own inner trappings, and often,  our self-worth.

Who cares for the carers?   Often, they are the most neglected lot - the carers.  Have you been one?

Strength. Hope. Faith.

Faith. Hope. Love.

Too many memories when one cares, loves and remembers.

Today, as I focus on 'faith'  I've decided to relax a bit this beautiful and often quoted but not always easy to do Christian love chapter, 1 Cor 13, which ends up with the verse and message, "faith, hope and love... but the greatest of these is love."  As I reflect on the chapter, I have decided that for this moment, I'll prioritize faith as the top amongst the three,  to read:   "faith, hope and love... and the greatest of these is faith."

As I earlier declared, I"m going to relax the verse a little bit.

In your own life, what is your greatest need -  faith?  hope?  love?

God understands. He always does.

My faith looks up to Thee

Text:  Ray Palmer (1808-1887), Music: Lowell Mason (1892-1872), Tune: Olivet

Sung by Dallas Adult Christian Choir.

Video Credit:

My Faith Looks Up to Thee,  YouTube, uploaded by isbaptist. Retrieved 5 Nov 2012.

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