Morning by morning, new mercies I see.
Sometimes when we feel so despondent, we cry. God knows our pain. When we are so hurt we can't get up, he lifts us. When we call, he answers, as he promised he would.
Sometimes we allow insecurities, sensitivities and other influences to convince us that our lives don't matter. But if we were the only person in the world, the loving God he would have walked the same path and shed the same tears. Why? Because he cares.
When times are tough and we feel lost and alone, when we feel confused and uncertain of our future, what is the one thing we can absolutely securely trust? It is God's faithfulness – ever authentic and anchored. His message is clear: we are precious!
The next time someone comes along "just at the right time" to give comfort or courage, let's keep in mind that it's no coincidence. God knows what we need before we ask and before we know what to ask for. An email from a friend, a lovely smile from a child you meet while shopping, a surprise thoughtful gesture from your partner, a call from someone you haven't heard from, an encouraging word from a family member – all of these are so much more than mere touches of human kindness. In reality, they are blessings.
Our God is a God of healing. He fixes broken things. We need him because we break and spoil what we sometimes touch. When we allow God to come into our anxious hearts, he works quietly and gently but with the skill of a master craftsman. He restores what appears lost to us. We are clay, he is the potter.
God knows what we are going through. We might not feel his every move, but one day we'll sense a change, something that will stir within us the desire to right a wrong, even a gesture of forgiving someone we never dreamt of doing. Perhaps we'll be moved to write a letter to a friend or relative who has been distanced by anger or bitterness. Perhaps we'll think of calling a cherished loved one whom we hurt with careless words.
Other people lean on us when they're struggling, they want us by their sides when they're celebrating, and they need us to listen when they're hurting. And us, when we are hurting, oft, no one seems available? Let's rest in the thought that someone will not leave us discomforted.
Let's go on and make the move. Look for something positive. Go for a walk. When the pangs of hurt threaten to shut out the light in our life, it's time to gaze at the eternal light far off in the distance. "I will lift mine eyes to the hills from whence my help comes." Psalm 121:1. This inviting "help" offers comfort in times of trouble, peace in the place of pain, and an enduring hope that no darkness can prevail. This is the light of God, our true light in times of darkness. Great is thy faithfulness Lord unto me.
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